The Real thing shop

In our commitment to compliance with the relevant local regulations for Health Supplements, The Real Thing has published Patient Information Leaflets (PILs) on our website for the majority of our products and are in the process of completing these for the balance of our complementary and alternative medicines (CAMS). Feel free to browse our CAMS range for PI's or PILs.

New products now available

Disclaimer: Our website is regularly updated as we align it with regulations and our product range. We are unable to monitor websites of wholesalers, or online stores and encourage you to review contents here for the most relevant and current information.

Feel free to contact us should you have any product queries.

Mega Omega Fish Oil


Illustrations by Dale Halvorsen

The Real Thing | Tel # 021 7010 244 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this website is not intended as a substitute for advice provided by a competent health care professional or Doctor. You should not use this information in diagnosing or treating a health problem. No information or opinion in this page/website is intended to be, nor should be construed to be, medical advice. If you are taking any medicines (prescribed or not), or have a medical condition, please consult a physician or health care professional, who is aware of herb/drug interactions before taking any herbal or natural supplements.

Copyright © 2019 The Real Thing